Technical Announcements
November 28th, 2014
If you are currently experiencing issues accessing your voicemail via *98, you can reach your voicemail by dialing your own talkit number from your Talkit Device, or by dialing one of our remote voicemail access numbers.
You can view our remote voicemail numbers by clicking here.
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Can I port my number after I become a Talkit customer?
Yes! You can port your number over to Talkit at any time, as long as:
1. The number you would like to port is active
*there cannot be any type of cancellation or pending cancellation with the provider you wish to port from
2. your account is in good standing with the provider
3.your number is with and your number is located in an area we are able to port.
Portable cities will be in the drop down list when filling out the porting form in the order process
you will view this before making your payment)
* If your city/town is not in the dropdown list on the porting form then your number cannot be ported
*porting is non-refundable under any circumstances