Technical Announcements
November 28th, 2014
If you are currently experiencing issues accessing your voicemail via *98, you can reach your voicemail by dialing your own talkit number from your Talkit Device, or by dialing one of our remote voicemail access numbers.
You can view our remote voicemail numbers by clicking here.
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When I dial *98 to access my voice mail I get dead air; how do I retrieve my voice mail messages?
If you cannot access your voice mail by dialing *98, you can access your voicemail remotely. To do this follow the instructions below:
1. Dial 833-9TALKIT (833-982-5548)
When the automated voice asks for the account #, you must enter your Talkit phone number with a 1 in front of it.
Example: 12896626262
Now Enter the voicemail password
*NOTE: a voicemail password must be setup in order to access the voicemail remotely